Frequently Asked Questions



Can all concrete be polished?
We can attempt to polish up all concrete, however this depends on the quality of the existing concrete, and what finish you are looking to achieve. A topping slab may need to be poured if the existing concrete is in any way flawed and not able to be worked on.

How long will it take to polish my existing floor?
Again, it depends on the quality of the original concrete. Some jobs can be done in approximately 3 days, others can take much longer.

I want my flooring to not show any stone, is this possible?

When concrete is made up, stones or ‘aggregate’ is used to give strength and reinforcement to the concrete. If you are looking into what we call a nil exposure, or no stones showing through, we can do a surface polish. A site visit will be required by our team to ensure the finish you want can actually be achieved.



Will my polished concrete floor be slippery?
Although the polished floor looks smooth and glossy, it is not slippery to walk on, and is completely safe.

What products can I clean it with?
A pH neutral cleaner, or simply mopping with warm water or using a steam mop.

Is it resistant to scratching, from pets for example?
Not all surfaces are completely resistant from marks and scratches. Be kind to your floor, just like you would if you have timber floorboards. Most general foot and paw traffic will not affect the floor.

food prep


Is it safe to prep food on a concrete benchtop?
Yes! We use a sealer on the benchtops to ensure you can have full use of the benchtop. The sealer is heat and scratch resistant for the everyday use of the bench.

What should I clean by benchtop with?
A pH neutral cleaner designed for stone surfaces.

Will my benchtop be porous?
Once the sealer is applied, the benchtop will be non porous, and resistant to things like food stains and heat.